Visit my stall at Perth Upmarket!

Visit my stall at Perth Upmarket!
Sunday 2d of October 10am-4pm

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Getting there!

Was working on my w-e-b s-i-t-e today which went very well considering we had "assistance" of three 3 year olds. My web designer from Sun e Productions has got twins... we're both much looking forward to our unstoppable careers shooting of like rockets once this very busy little toddler trio gets into full time schooling. Until then we shall thank the universe for DVD-players, biscuit specials and older siblings bedrooms.... where they're of course not allowed to enter! Check out the Sun e Productions blog on

1 comment:

  1. Thank you darling! I am writing this comment of the mock template of 'algerika design' website on my desktop and thinking, "can't wait until we are up and running on-line".
    (4am Saturday morning), best time for some uninterrupted web design development!
